Welcome to Ohio Trees


We are Ohio Trees.

 In these and subsequent blogs, we will answer all your tree questions and provide additional information you will need when deciding which evergreens will best suit your needs.

 By providing comprehensive answers information about tree varieties, delivery options, planting options and offering reasonable prices, you will be equipped to make a well-informed tree buying decisions.

 It is our goal to help you find the perfect evergreen tree(s) that will best suit you!

 We offer several fantastic, healthy evergreen varieties: Norway Spruce, White Spruce, White Pine, Concolor Fir/White Fir, Douglas Fir, Serbian Spruce, Blue Spruce, Canadian Hemlock, Green Giant and Arborvitae.

In future tree-blogs, let’s simplify this title to LOGS 😊, we will discuss tree types, their attributes and challenges; best soil prep, planting processes and options; best choices specific to areas, and many other great topics. Evergreen trees are very cool!

Stay tuned …

Delivery options and online ordering are available. We are members of the Ohio Farm Bureau and the Ohio Green Industry Association.

Call us anytime 330-227-8122
Email us at trees@ohiotrees.com


Seven Great Reasons to Landscape with White Pines


The Favorite Norway Spruce!